UTF-8 encoding

Currently, the system only supports UTF-8 encoding, such as text boxes and other controls, and can only display UTF-8 encoded strings normally. If you want to display other codes normally, you need to transcode by yourself.


Sconv is an open source library for transcoding. We use it to convert between utf-8 and gbk.


Download sconv source files,And unzip it to our project jni folder.

UTF-8 to GBK

  1. Reference header file

    #include <string>
    #include "utf8cover/sconv.h"
  2. Add function

    string utf8_to_gbk(const char* utf8_str) {
     int size = sconv_utf8_to_unicode(utf8_str, -1, NULL, 0);
     wchar *unicode = new wchar[size / 2 + 1];
     size = sconv_utf8_to_unicode(utf8_str, -1, unicode, size);
     unicode[size / 2] = 0;
     size = sconv_unicode_to_gbk(unicode, -1, NULL, 0);
     char *ansi_str = new char[size + 1];
     size = sconv_unicode_to_gbk(unicode, -1, ansi_str, size);
     ansi_str[size] = 0;
     string gbk(ansi_str, size);
     delete[] ansi_str;
     delete[] unicode;
     return gbk;
  3. Use the function just now to perform encoding conversion, an example is as follows:
    const char* utf8_str = "This is utf8 encoding";
    string gbk = utf8_to_gbk(utf8_str);
    LOGD("After conversion, a total of %d bytes", gbk.size());
    for (size_t i = 0; i < gbk.size(); ++i) {
      LOGD("%d byte = %02X", i, gbk.data()[i]);

GBK to UTF-8

  1. Reference header file

    #include <string>
    #include "utf8cover/sconv.h"
  2. Add function

    string gbk_to_utf8(const char* gbk_str) {
     int size = sconv_gbk_to_unicode(gbk_str, -1, NULL, 0);
     wchar *unicode_str = new wchar[size / 2 + 1];
     size = sconv_gbk_to_unicode(gbk_str, -1, unicode_str, size);
     unicode_str[size / 2] = 0;
     size = sconv_unicode_to_utf8(unicode_str, -1, NULL, 0);
     char *utf8_str = new char[size + 1];
     size = sconv_unicode_to_utf8(unicode_str, -1, utf8_str, size);
     utf8_str[size] = 0;
     string utf8(utf8_str, size);
     delete[] unicode_str;
     delete[] utf8_str;
     return utf8;
  3. Use the function just now to perform encoding conversion, an example is as follows:
    //To facilitate testing, here is a gbk encoding array whose content is "This is gbk encoding"
    const char gbk_str[] = {0xd5, 0xe2, 0xca, 0xc7, 0x67, 0x62, 0x6b, 0xb1, 0xe0, 0xc2, 0xeb,0};
    string utf8 = gbk_to_utf8(gbk_str);
    LOGD("After conversion, a total of %d bytes", utf8.size());
    LOGD("The content is: %s", utf8.c_str());
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