System time

  • Required header files
#include "utils/TimeHelper.h"

Explanation of each field of tm structure

struct tm {
    int tm_sec; /* Seconds-the value range is [0,59] */
    int tm_min; /* Minutes-the value range is [0,59] */
    int tm_hour; /* Hour-the value range is [0,23] */
    int tm_mday; /* The day of the month-the value range is [1,31] */
    int tm_mon; /* Month (starting from January, 0 means January)-the value range is [0,11] */
    int tm_year; /* Year, its value starts from 1900 */
  • Get the current date
struct tm *t = TimeHelper::getDateTime();
  • Display time code sample
static void updateUI_time() {
    char timeStr[20];
    static bool bflash = false;
    struct tm *t = TimeHelper::getDateTime();

    sprintf(timeStr, "%02d:%02d:%02d", t->tm_hour,t->tm_min,t->tm_sec);
    mTextTimePtr->setText(timeStr); // Pay attention to modify the control name

    sprintf(timeStr, "%d year %02d month %02d day", 1900 + t->tm_year, t->tm_mon + 1, t->tm_mday);
    mTextDatePtr->setText(timeStr); // Pay attention to modify the control name

    static const char *day[] = { "Sunday", "Monday", "Tuesday", "Wednesday", "Thursday", "Friday", "Saturday" };
    sprintf(timeStr, "Week %s", day[t->tm_wday]);
    mTextWeekPtr->setText(timeStr); // Pay attention to modify the control name
  • Set time code sample
// Use tm structure to set time
static void setSystemTime() {
    struct tm t;
    t.tm_year = 2017 - 1900;  //Year
    t.tm_mon = 9 - 1;         //Month
    t.tm_mday = 13;           //Day
    t.tm_hour = 16;           //Hour
    t.tm_min = 0;             //Minute
    t.tm_sec = 0;             //second


// Or use a string to set the time date str format: 2017-09-13 16:00:00
TimeHelper::setDateTime("2017-09-13 16:00:00");

For the complete source code, see the DateDemo project in the sample code package

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